
Holy Communion will be a partof the 10 am worship service.

End Times Bible Study

Plan join in an 8-week study designed to help discover what God is speaking to you through His Word. The study, “End Times: Practical Heavenly Mindedness” (by R. Paul Stevens), utilizes Old and New Testament references from the Beginning of the Church (Acts) to the Return of Christ for His Church. (Revelation 21). *When- Sunday, […]

Ash Wednesday Service CANCELLED

Ash Wednesday begins the time of Lent which lasts until Easter Sunday.  Join us for a simple service of music, scripture, and the imposition of the ashes as we begin this very special time as Christians

Good Friday Worship Service

A quiet, solemn, meaningful service to remember Christ's sacrifice for us. All are Welcome!

Easter Sunday

Lots to celebrate! We celebrate the Risen Christ, and we Confirm several young people on this day.